Anna Haifisch
1986 born in Leipzig, Germany
2011 Diploma Degree, Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig
2013-2015 Postgraduate Studies, Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig
2013 -2020 founding member of the comic and graphics festival The Millionaires Club
screen prints
Rotopol (misc. 21 × 27 cm)
Le Raclet (Here's the Life I've always longed for, 42 × 59,4 cm)
Thaler Originalgrafik (The Artist, 59,4 × 84,1 cm)
porcelain bowls
Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin KPM
boxer shorts
Lousy Livin

The Artist, Tokhiu Books, Taipeh, TW
Bisous from LA, Misma Editions, Toulouse, FR
Hey Kids, watch this! A24, New York City, EN
Ready America, Fantagraphics, Seattle, EN
Ready America, Rotopol, Kassel, DE
Klinika Von Spatz, Stripburger, Ljubljana, SI
Beca Ratón, Apa-Apa Comics, Barcelona, ES
Fahrenbühl, Lystring Forlag, Stockholm, SV
Schappi, Fantagraphics, Seattle, EN
Souris en Residence, Misma Editions, Toulouse, FR
Chez Schnabel, Spector Books, Leipzig, DE / EN
Silver Medal „best book design from all over the world“
The Artist Collection, Reprodukt, Berlin, DE
The Artist Collection, Lystring Forlag, Stockholm, SV
Mouse in Residence, Spector Books, Leipzig, DE
The Artist 3 Ode an die Feder, Reprodukt, Berlin, DE
Von Spatz, Lystring Forlag, Stockholm, SV
Schappi, Misma Editions, Toulouse, FR
The Artist, XAOBAB, Prague, CZ
Residenz Fahrenbühl, Spector Books, Leipzig, DE
Gnocchi Gnocchi - Who's there?, Colorama, Berlin, EN
Schappi, Rotopol, Kassel, DE
The Artist, Eris Edizioni, Turin, IT
I can't find my shoes, Colorama, Berlin, EN
The Artist 1, Confederation, Moscow, RU
The Mouse Glass, Perfectly Acceptable Press, Chicago, EN
Fuji-San, Kabinett, Vienna, DE
The Artist 2 The Circle of Life, Breakdownpress, London, EN
The Artist 2 Le Cycle Éternel, Misma Editions, Toulouse, FR
Von Spatz, Drawn and Quarterly, Montreal, EN
The Artist 2 Der Schnabelprinz, Reprodukt, Berlin, DE
The Artist 1, Reservoir Books, Madrid, ES
Drifter, Perfectly Acceptable Press, Chicago, ES
The Artist 1, Misma Editions, Toulouse, FR
The Artist 1, Breakdownpress, London, EN
LA Times Book Prize Finalist
The Artist 1, Reprodukt, Berlin, DE
Clinique Von Spatz, Misma Editions, Toulouse, FR
Von Spatz, Rotopol, Kassel, DE
Don't Worry, Perfectly Acceptable Press, Chicago, EN

A Mirror for Fools, 24 pages, Nieves, Zurich, CH
Strapazin #158, 6 pages, Zurich, CH
Majestätische Vögel der Lebensmittelindustrie, 12 pages, Lagon Revue, Pluie, Paris, FR
Souris au Bec, 52 pages booklet, Musée Tomi Ungerer-Centre international de L’illustration, Strasbourg, FR/ DE/ EN
The Chess Review, 12 pages, Lagon Revue, Plaine, Paris, FR
Das sagt mir was, 20 pages, Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen, DE
The Artist × Elements, 9 pages, edited by Offshore Studios and Jessica Gysel, Jan Van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, EN
S for Strudeling, 4 pages, Glossary of Undisciplined Design, edited by Anja Kaiser and Rebecca Stephany, Spector Books, Leipzig, EN
Exzess und Entzug, Marcel Beyer, 7 pages, Spector Books, Leipzig, DE
The Artist × Frieze, 1 page, Frieze Magazine, London, EN
The Artist × The Museum of Modern Art, 9 pages, MoMA Magazine, New York, EN
The Artist × Le Monde, Le Monde, M le Mag du Monde, Paris, FR
The Hall of the Bright Carvings, 12 pages, Kramers Ergot, Fantagraphics, Seattle, EN
Fussball, Marx und Tränen, cover and 1 page, Le Monde Diplomatique, Reprodukt , Berlin, DE
The Artist „on curation“, 7 pages, Texte zur Kunst, TZK 104-The Individual, Berlin, DE
The Writer, Edit 70, 4 pages, Leipzig, DE

Bis hierhin lief’s noch gut, MK&G Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, GER (solo)
Revue Lagon, Le chemin de terre, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Schweinebewusstsein, Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, GER
It's Alright, Festival BD Colomiers, FR (solo)
The Gods of Chili and Mice, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana, SLO (solo)
Souris au bec, Musée Tomi Ungerer/Centre international de l’illustration, Strasbourg, FR (solo)
The Artist Reading Room, Museum Folkwang, Essen, GER (solo)
Schöne neue Arbeitswelt, Galerie Alte Schule in Adlershof, Berlin, GER
Schweinebewusstsein, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, GER
Chez Schnabel, Museum für bildende Künste MdbK, Leipzig GER (solo)
Hi Life, Kunstverein Erlangen, Erlangen, GER (solo)
Homi, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Osnabrück, GER (solo)
The Artist - Ode an die Feder, MOM Art Space, Hamburg, GER (solo)
Among Us, Thaler Originalgrafik, mit Gabi Jolowicz, Leipzig, GER
Tiere des Sommers, ASPN Gallery, Leipzig, GER
Am Ende diese Arbeit, GfZK–Museum for Contemporary Art, Leipzig, GER
Currents, Mount Analog, Seattle, USA
Pierre Feuille Ciseaux, Musee du Papier, Angouleme, FR
The Mouse Glass, Riso Club, Leipzig, GER (solo)
Win/Win, Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, GER
Fuji-San, Kabinettspassage, Museumsquartier, Vienna, AUT (solo)
The Artist, Micēlijs, Riga, LV (solo)
Bruit Qui Court, Gallery Nathalie Halgand, Vienna, AUT
Tiere, MK&G Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, GER
Who’s that dog I saw you with?, Bistro 21, Leipzig, GER, with Stefanie Leinhos
The Artist, Museum Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz, GER (solo)
Authentizität. Das Authentisch Unauthentische, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, GER
Drifter, German Pavillon at TCAF (Toronto Comics and Arts Festival), Toronto, CAN
Die Halle der edlen Schnitzwerke, Galerie der Kunstsammlung Oberösterreich,
Linz, AUT, (solo)
Schnäbel und Federn, Plauen, GER, (solo)
The Artist is not present, Gallery Diana Lambert, Vienna, AUT (solo)

Grants / Prizes
Silver Medal „best book design from all over the world“ (Chez Schnabel)
Fellowship at Villa Aurora / Thomas Mann House, Los Angeles
LVZ Art Prize
Best German Book Design (Chez Schnabel)
Scholarship, Columbus, Ohio, Greater Columbus Arts Council, Cultural Foundation of the State of Saxony
Max und Moritz Prize, Best German Comic Artist
work grant, Cultural Foundation of the State of Saxony
Sondermann Prize for Comic Art
Finalist LA Times Book Prize (The Artist)
e.o. plauen Prize
2013 – 2014
Postgraduate Grant, Cultural Foundation of the State of Saxony
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ (Frankfurt), September 4, 2024, Und die Haifisch, die hat Haare auf den Zähnen
Der Spiegel (Hamburg), August 8, 2024, Eine Welt in Orange, Neongelb, Türkis
Süddeutsche Zeitung (München), July 7, 2024, Ein Bestiarium voller Narren
Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Hamburg), June 5, 2024, Bis hierhin lief’s noch gut
Tagesspiegel (Berlin), June 6, 2024, Werkschau der Comic-Künstlerin Anna Haifisch - Auf der Spur der scheuen Vogelwesen
Liberation (Paris), November 16, 2023, Anna Haifisch: Les Livres pour enfants, c’est la discipline reine
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ (Frankfurt), November 7, 2023, Die Einsamkeit von Hopper, die Bosheit von Tomi Ungerer
Liberation (Paris), January 1, 2023, Anna Haifisch, sours à faire pleurer
Tagesspiegel (Berlin), April 1, 2022, Bei Schnabels zu Hause
The Comics Journal (Seattle), April 19, 2022, Mouse in Residence
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ (Frankfurt), March 31, 2022, Gelber Gipfelsturm im Tiefgeschoss
Tagesspiegel (Berlin), December 8, 2021, The Artist: Ode an die Feder - Von den Museen geküsst
taz (Berlin), November 30, 2021, Musikdrama zum Durchblättern
Tagesspiegel (Berlin), March 24, 2021, Vom Paradies zur Mausefalle
The Comics Journal (Seattle), April 20, 2018, Von Spatz
taz (Berlin), June 26, 2017, Katastrophen sind lustiger als Erfolg
It’s Nice That (London), June 27, 2017, Anna Haifisch bends the rules of comics in new floppy and oversized book, Drifter
Tagesspiegel (Berlin), June 23, 2017, The Artist: Der Schnabelprinz, Die Kunst des Überlebens
Deutschlandfunk (Berlin), April 12, 2017, Comiczeichner ist ein einsamer Job
Die Zeit (Hamburg), April 18, 2016, Dienst am Pinguin
Imprint and Datapolicy
Anna Haifisch
Kochstrasse 113
04277 Leipzig
code by Jonas Holfeld
Axo Book by Abyme foundry
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The Artist published by Tokhiu Books (Taipeh), Chinese edition, 200 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-626-99098-4-1, January 2025

Bisous from LA published by Misma Editions (Toulouse), French edition, 52 pages, 22 × 30 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-2-494740-12-9, November 2024

Ready America published by Rotopol (Kassel) and Fantagraphics (Seattle), German (ISBN 978-3-96451-051-8) and English (ISBN 978-1683969426) editions, 48 pages, 23 × 30 cm, softcover, September 2024
Ready America takes us on a ride through a both strangely familiar and quite alien Los Angeles. Packaging inscriptions, neon signs, and billboards fuse into an appealing typographic montage while familiar American icons peek out between stores and offices, clinics, and morgues.

Hey Kids, Watch this! published by A24 (New York)
English edition, 288 pages, 18 × 25 cm, hardcover, September 2024
Edited by James Cartwright. Written by Jon Dieringer and Caitlin Quinlan. Graphic design by Jordi NG and Elana Schlenker.
“What should we watch?” Never has a simple question sparked more family debate. That’s where this book comes in: Hey Kids, Watch This! is jam-packed with over 100 kid- and adult-approved movie night recommendations that span decades, countries, and genres. With chapters for Preschoolers, Little Kids, Big Kids, and Tweens.

Booklet for the show Souris au bec at Musée Tomi Ungerer - Centre international de L'Illustration in Strasbourg
French, German and English, 52 pages, 13 × 21 cm, booklet, Pantone purple, October 2023
graphic design by Franziska Leiste.

Fahrenbühl published by Lystring (Stockholm). Swedish edition, 144 pages, 16,2 × 10,9 cm, softcover, printed in Pantone purple, ISBN 978-9198759587, August 2023

Beca Raton published by Apa-Apa Comics (Barcelona), Spanish edition, 140 pages, 11 × 18 cm, printed in Pantone purple, softcover, ISBN 978-84-92615-41-4, April 2023

Souris en Résidence published by Misma Editions (Toulouse), French edition, 148 pages, 12,5 × 18 cm, hardcover, printed in Pantone purple, ISBN 978-2-916254-97-5, October 2022

Chez Schnabel published by Spector Books (Leipzig), German and English edition, designed by Anja Kaiser, 96 pages, 22 × 30,5 cm, hardcover, printed in 4 spot colors, ISBN 978-3959056038, March 2022
Silver Medal “best book design from all over the world”
The catalogue for the exhibition Chez Schnabel at the Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig is being published in conjunction with the 2021 LVZ Art Prize award. This is the first publication by artist Anna Haifisch to give an insight into her approach to making comics. The catalogue brings together sketches, references, haikus, notes, and the new short story 1992—a making-of account composed of wobbly animals, the artist entity, and autobiographical material.

Mouse in Residence published by Spector Books (Leipzig), English edition, 148 pages, 11 × 18 cm, softcover, printed in Pantone purple, ISBN 978-3959055031, November 2021
Fahrenbuehl is a secluded artist residency, inhabited by two mice. It sits in the beautiful, bucolic countryside. Such rural areas are known for their peace and tranquility. A place where one can reflect and nurture ones creativity. However, seclusion and isolation can dampen the spirits. If one wants to preserve paradise, radical means might become necessary. When a mouse decides to play God, paradise quickly transforms into a landscape of suspicion and sabotage.
“The relevance of an artistic work created in seclusion will have to succumb to the alternative visions of the polycultural.” - Cole Mountain Association of Painting and Pewter Wares

Schappi published by Fantagraphics (Seattle), English edition, 92 pages, 20 × 25,7 cm, printed in 4 spot colors, softcover, ISBN 978-1683965268, June 2022

The Artist Sammelband published by Reprodukt (Berlin), German edition, 200 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-95640-309-5, March 2022
Book 1 and 2 of the famous The Artist comics plus 2 bonus short stories (including the one I drew for The Museum of Modern Art) in ONE beautiful hardcover edition! A must-have for The Artist fans!

The Artist Collection published by Eris Edizioni (Turin), Italian edtion, 148 pages, 15 × 20 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-8898644810, August 2019

The Artist Collection published by Lystring (Stockholm), Swedish edition, 200 pages, 17 × 22,7 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-9198585872, September 2021

The Artist – Ode an die Feder published by Reprodukt (Berlin), German Edition, translated from English by Marcel Beyer, 128 pages, 21 × 27 cm, printed in 4 spot colors, linen hardcover, ISBN 978-3-95640-220-3, October 2021
The 3rd book of The Artist series is a big bird opera–telling the drama of the rise and the fall of The Artist in poems and songs. Lots has changed since the first two books; The Artist became pretty successful in the meantime, has big museum shows and owns a ton of money. He has everything he has always wanted. And yet his life is one big drama, because he is still a weepy, sensitive artist. He feels excluded from the art market, his love leaves him and he mourns his creative period in poverty.

Schappi published by Misma Editions (Toulouse), French edition, 96 pages, 22 × 28,5 cm, printed in 4 spot colors, hardcover, ISBN 978-2-916254-87-6, August 2021

Residenz Fahrenbühl published by Spector Books (Leipzig), Volte #10, German Edition, 150 pages, 11 × 18 cm, printed in Pantone purple, softcover, ISBN 978-3959054348, March 2021

Gnocchi Gnocchi - Who's there? published by Colorama Books (Berlin). A picture book by Stefanie Leinhos and Anna Haifisch. English edition, 28 Pages, 21 × 26 cm, 4 color Riso print, Screen printed cover, Fussilli binding and Linguine reading sign. May 2020 (1st edition), November 2024 (2nd edition)
“Life is a combination of magic and Pasta” - Federico Fellini

Schappi published by Rotopol (Kassel), German edition, 92 pages, 20 × 25,5 cm, 5 spot colors, softcover, japanese dust cover, ISBN 978-3964510082, September 2019
In five collected comics short stories (The Hall of the Bright Carvings, The Mouse Glass, Fuji-San, Letter to Weasel and A Proud Race), carnivores and herbivores meet at a disastrous congress of the animals; we get to know a merciless, art-collecting lizard; and are introduced to dancing ostriches and a melancholy, meditating octopus. At the end of the day, there is hope, even for crying weasels.

I can't find my Shoes published by Colorama (Berlin), English edition, 16 pages, 17 × 25 cm, 4 color Riso print, booklet, March 2019

The Mouse Glass, published by Perfectly Acceptable Press (Chicago), English Edition, 24 pages, 20 × 25,5 cm, 4 color Riso print, November 2018
Deals and deception are afoot at the 42nd Animal Summit, held in the Elephants' province. Will the Hyena convince the others to invest sustainably in his region? What of the riots in the Deep Sea? And can a crocodile fall in love with a snake? A zoological political drama for not-quite all ages.

The Artist - Der Schnabelprinz published by Reprodukt (Berlin), German edition, 112 pages, 16,5 × 22cm, softcover, ISBN 978-3-95640-123-7, October 2017

The Artist - The Circle of Life published by Breakdown Press (London), English edition, 104 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-911081-07-4, March 2019

The Artist - Le Cycle Eternel published by Misma Editions (Toulouse), French edition, 112 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-2-916254-66-1, October 2018
The Artist - Le Cycle Eternel was in the official selection of the Festival International de la Bande Dessinée in Angouleme 2019

The Artist published by Reprodukt (Berlin), German edition, 64 pages, 16,5 × 22cm, softcover, ISBN 978-3-95640-032-2, October 2016

The Artist published by Breakdown Press (London), English edition, 64 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-911081-00-5, March 2016
The Artist was nominated for the LA Times Book Prize 2017

The Artist published by Misma Editions (Toulouse), French edition, 64 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-2-916254-54-8, October 2016

The Artist published by Reservoir Gráfica (Barcelona), Spanish edition, 64 pages, 17 × 22,6 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-8416709854, September 2017

The Artist published by XAO (Prague), Czech edition, 64 pages, 16,5 × 22 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-80-906863-2-8, 2021

The Artist published by Comfederation (St Petersburg), Russian edition, 64 pages, 15 × 20 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-5-99093-682-9, 2018

Drifter published by Perfectly Acceptable Press (Chicago), English edition, 20 pages, 28 × 33 cm, 4 color Riso print, coil bound, September 2017 (1st edition), September 2022 (2nd edition)
Of love and lemurs, dogs and devotion, The New Yorker and new ardor. A poetic, illuminated treatise on affection by Anna Haifisch.

Von Spatz published by Rotopol (Kassel), German edition, 68 pages, 18 × 23 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-3-940304-97-1, October 2015

Klinika Von Spatz published by Stripburger (Ljubljana), Slovenian edition, 72 pages, 18 × 23 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-7087-35-2, September 2024

Clinique Von Spatz published by Misma editions (Toulouse), French edition, 68 pages, 18 × 23 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-2-916254-45-6, October 2015

Von Spatz published by Drawn & Quarterly (Montreal), English edition, 68 pages, 16,7 × 22 cm, softcover, October 2018

Don't Worry published by Perfectly Acceptable Press (Chicago), English edition, 24 pages, 16 × 18 cm, 4 color Riso print, April 2015

Ins Dunkle schwimmen / Swimming into the Dark
University of Applied Arts Vienna
October 15, 2024 - February 1, 2025
curated by Cosima Rainer and Robert Müller

Bis hierhin lief's noch gut / So Far So Good
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
June 06 - October 20, 2024
curated by Simon Klingler
graphic design and exhibition design by Anja Kaiser
architectural visualisation by Jakob Hainich
"With around 300 works, the show provides a comprehensive look at Haifisch’s diverse oeuvre, from illustrations and prints to comics and drawings as well as products adorned with her designs. The juxtaposition of fine and applied art sheds light on the artist’s working process while recent pieces such as the Ready America series are also on view, together with a work produced expressly for the exhibition."
photos by Henning Rogge

It's Alright
Festival BD Colomiers, November 15-17, 2024, curated by Francois Poudevigne, scenography by Bakélite, photos by ©BKLT

Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop
June 09 - September 02, 2024
in cooperation with the Sprengel Musem Hannover
curated by Inka Schube

Majestätische Vögel der Lebensmittelindustrie
Revue Lagon, Le chemin de terre
Centre Pompidou, Paris
May 29 - August 19, 2024
curated by Séverine Bascouert, Sammy Stein, Jean-Philippe Bretin and Gaspard Laurent

Souris au bec
Musée Tomi Ungerer -
Centre international de L'Illustration in Strasbourg
October 20, 2023 - April 7, 2024
curated by Anna Sailer
music set at the opening by Zad Kokar
photos ©Mathieu Bertola, Musées de la ville de Strasbourg

Ocular Witness – Schweinebewusstsein
Sprengel Museum Hannover
August 23 - November 5, 2023
An exhibition about humans and pigs and ultimately the world
curated by Inka Schube
participating artists: Max Baumann, Frank Berger, Felix Bielmeier, Pierre Bismuth, Anetta Mona Chişa und Lucia Tkáčová, Anna Haifisch, Jochen Lempert, Arne Schmitt, Wenke Seemann, Maria Sewcz, Maria Sturm, Andrzej Steinbach, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries and Heidi Specker.
I drew 11 portraits of Anja Koch's prolific pigs, the Fläminger Weideschweine, who are lucky to escape the global meat industry. Each pig is named by Anja and can truly live a lush life of grass and puddles on a small piece of land between Leipzig and Berlin. The excellent portrayed pigs were Aschenputtel, Dropsi, Miliszka, Gretel, Eberhard, Hildegard, Roswitata, Klee, Mohn, Wilma and Kuno.

The Collection of Snavel von Vogel
Museum Folkwang, Essen
July 14, 2023 – open end
curated by Anna Brohm
The comic character The Artist (Snavel von Vogel) presents his pristine collection of rare and obscure books in the reading room of Museum Folkwang.

Kunsthalle Osnabrück
June 25, 2022 - March 5, 2023
curated by Anna Jehle and Juliane Schickedanz
dog tables built by Andreas Zelle
all photos Lucie Marsmann
Abendruhe, sanftes Rauschen
Es schwächt mich das Getrudel
Ich würd so gern mein Leben tauschen
ach wär ich eine Nudel
Ich aß ein karges Abendbrot
allein in düstrem Schmerz
Was pocht so laut im Abendrot
Es ist mein armes kleines Herz
Weil ich gar keine Seele seh
wer soll ein Werk hier schaffen
ich lieg in meinem Atelier
besiegt von einem Affen
Diese Stadt ist zugemauert
wie ich hier drin verstaube
Mein Gemüt ist schlimm erschauert
ich wär so gern ne Taube

Chez Schnabel
Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig
LVZ Art Prize 2022
March 10 - July 3, 2022
curated by Marcus Hurttig

The Artist -Ode an die Feder
Mom Art Space
during Comicfestival Hamburg
September 30 – October 3, 2021
curated by Simon Klingler

Tiere des Sommers
ASPN Gallery
July 31– August 28, 2021
curated by Arne Linde
Aneta Kajzer, Anna Haifisch, Harry Hachmeister, Heike Geißler, Sophia Süßmilch and Michael Ludwig

Am Ende diese Arbeit
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
February 8, 2020 - January 31, 2021
curated by Julia Schäfer, Nam Nguyen and Franciska Zólyom.
Till Exit, Ramon Haze, Anna Witt, fabrics interseason, Sarah Morris, Maren Roloff, Andrea Büttner, Céline Condorelli, Dan Peterman, Gitte Villesen, Anna Haifisch
Photos by Alexandra Ivanciu

Who's that Dog I saw you with?
Bistro 21, Leipzig
Stefanie Leinhos and Anna Haifisch
October 26 - November 12, 2021

Bruit Qui Court
Gallery Nathalie Halgand, Vienna
January 19 – February 24, 2018
Jakob Buchner, Hélène Fauquet, Anna Haifisch, Valentin Just, Katharina Schilling, Astrid Wagner and Kathrin Wojtowicz
(Grüne Hünde, 2018, 18 x 8 cm, Fimo)

Still Life (6 pages)
Strapazin (Zurich) #158, Fan-Art, 23 × 30 cm, 80 pages, March 2025
edited by Dominik Wendland and Amelie Lihl

Impuls Rembrandt. Lehrer, Stratege, Bestseller, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, 3.10.2014 - 26.1.2025, poster and comic, 59,4 × 84 cm, September 2024

Majestätische Vögel der Lebensmittelindustrie (6 pages)
Lagon Revue Pluie (Paris), 20 × 28,3 cm, 312 pages, offset printed with 9 colors on different paper, May 2024
edited by Séverine Bascouert, Sammy Stein, Jean-Philippe Bretin and Gaspard Laurent

Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
18 cover illustrations, A4, Riso printed, 2022
edited by Natasha Llorens, design and image editing by Martin Groch

The Chess Review (12 pages)
Lagon Revue Plaine (Paris), 15,5 × 21,5 cm, 412 pages, December 2022
edited by Séverine Bascouert, Sammy Stein, Jean-Philippe Bretin and Gaspard Laurent

Das sagt mir was
Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen
20 pages, 21 × 27 cm, booklet, offset printed in 4 spot colors, October 2021
graphic design by Franziska Leiste
portrayed works of art are from the exhibition WIE WIR SIND 3.0

The Artist (9 pages)
Elements published by Jan Van Eyck Academy (Maastricht), 290 pages, 17 × 26 cm, offset printed in 4 spot colors, July 2021
edited and designed by Offshore Studio and Jessica Gysel
with texts and art by Persis Bekkering, Frederik Willem Daem, David Habets, Christoph Miler, Viktor Hachmang, Anna Haifisch, Fabio Barille, Guillaume Simoneau, Marvin Leuvrey, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Grace Ndiritu

S for Strudeling (4 pages)
Glossary of Undisciplined Design, Spector Books (Leipzig), 312 pages, 11 × 17,5 cm, offset printed in 3 spot colors, ISBN 978-3959054461, May 2021
edited by Anja Kaiser and Rebecca Stephany

THE ARTIST x MoMA, Drawn to MoMA (New York), December 2019
A 9 page short story for The Museum of Modern Art. The Artist and Ivan attend a terrible collectors dinner where The Artist gets wrapped up in a stupid lie. He needs to make up for it as fast as possible. Time is running!

The Hall of the Bright Carvings, Kramers Ergot 10, (12 pages)
published by Fantagraphics (Seattle), 164 pages, 28 × 35,8 cm, softcover, ISBN 978-1683960898, July 2019
edited by Sammy Harkham, cover by Lale Westvind
Rick Altergott, Marc Bell, Blutch, Ivan Brunetti, David Collier, Robert Crumb, Kim Deitch, CF, Aisha Franz, Espen Friberg, Anna Haifisch, Simon Hanselmann, Bendik Kaltenborn, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Patrick Kyle, Jason Murphy, John Pham, Archer Prewitt, Ron Rege Jr., Helge Reumann, Anouk Ricard, Johnny Ryan, Leon Sadler, Dash Shaw, Will Sweeney, Noah Van Sciver, Lale Westvind, Steve Weissman, Sammy Harkham

Fuji-San, published by Kabinett, Heft #41, 16 pages, 13 × 18 cm, booklet, printed in Pantone purple, October 2018

Cover and comic for Le Monde diplomatique, published by Reprodukt (Berlin), 64 pages, 23 × 34 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-95640-166-4, September 2018
edited by Karoline Bofinger

Notable Balts, a book I made with students from the Baltic countries. Goethe Institut Riga, kuš! Comics, 24 pages, 29,7 × 42 cm, riso printed, May 2018

The Easiest Way to Feel More Organized, The New York Times, January 27, 2025

Voulez-vous bistroter avec moi ce coir?, Le Fooding, Guide 2025, November 2024

Moths Were Destroying My Clothes. Tiny Parasitic Wasps Saved Them., The New York Times Magazine, Text by Sarah Leonard, November 26, 2024

Pando, Enis Maci & Pascal Richmann, Suhrkamp Verlag, 206 Seiten, 13 × 21 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-518-43193-1, graphic design by Studio Pandan, Oktober 2024

Membership, Freunde der Kunsthalle Osnabrück e.V., flyer, postcard, membership card, graphic design by Anja Kaiser, September 2024

The Progressive Politicians Who Failed San Francisco, The New York Times Opinion, October 16, 2024

Welches Fahrrad will ich sein?, Zeit Magazin Mann, Oktober 2024

The New Rules of Dept Are Totally Cutthroat, Bloomberg Businessweek, September 3, 2024

Here's Why You Hate Watching TV Right Now, The New York Times Opinion, July 26, 2024

Sometimes, to Make an Electric Car Better, You've Got to Make It a Little Worse, The New York Times Opinion, April 8, 2024

after the interview is over, she keeps going, Frieze (London), Issue 241, poem by Holly Pester, March 2024

Wie die Behörden den verlorenen Coronamilliarden hinterherjagen, Der Spiegel, 14/2024, March 28, 2024

Jetzt in Kryptos investieren?, Die Zeit, March 14, 2024

The Job No One Wants, Bloomberg Businessweek, December 11, 2023

The Goldilocks Economy, Bloomberg Businessweek, November 13, 2023

Speak Up at Thanksgiving. Your Health Depends on It. The New York Times Opinion, November 21, 2023

Kipppunkte, Suhrkamp Theater Magazin, 12 illustrations, printed in 2 spot colors, November 2023
graphic design by Studio Hanli

Tooth City- How a Tiny Mexican Border City Built a Budget Dental Empire, Bloomberg Businessweek, September 4, 2023

Der halbe Hund, Die Zeit, July 20, 2023

Show of Support, The New Yorker, text by Patricia Marx, June 26, 2023

The Retail C.E.O. Pipeline Is Running Dry, The New York Times, February 21, 2023

Christmas card, Villa Aurora and Thomas Mann House (Berlin / Los Angeles) December 2022

Happy Birthday, Sparky!, Tagesspiegel, text and drawing, November 2022

Wer kontrolliert die ARD-Könige?, Die Zeit, September 1, 2022

Schluss mit Lustig, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, July 8, 2022

Burgtheater Magazin (Vienna), #3 Korrekturen, illustrations for plays by Rainald Goetz (Reich des Todes), William Shakespeare (Der Sturm) and Edmond Rostand (Cyrano de Bergerac), March 2022

Ringeltanz mit Moskau, Die Zeit, February 10, 2022

In aller Regel, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, May 28, 2021

Stand Up Straight!, The New Yorker, text by Patricia Marx, March 29, 2021

Das tut mir like, Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, January 15, 2021

El Pais, S MODA, December 2020

Many More Medics, Frieze #214, October 2020

Exzess und Entzug- Ferres vor Gurski - Ferres vor Immendorf, Spector Books, essay by Marcel Beyer, 7 illustrations, 65 pages, 16 × 24 cm, printed in 4 spot colors, April 2020

Diskussionen sind unerwünscht, Die Zeit, December 3, 2020

The Secret Club for Rich Families Who Care About Climate Change, Bloomberg Green, November 2020

Ganz Ohr, Süddeutsche Magazin, September 17, 2020

Dogsplaining, Dogs Magazine, monthly puzzle, October 2019 - August 2020

Mutter Maria Bibo, Sueddeutsche Zeitung Feuilleton, April 21st, 2020

Ich geiler Typ, Die Zeit, October 30, 2019

E-asy Rider, Die Zeit, August 5, 2019

Darf ich mich zu Ihnen setzen?, Die Zeit, July 4, 2019

Sitznachbarn, ein typologisches Bestiarium, Elbphilharmonie Magazin (Hamburg), June 2018

Süddeutsche Zeitung Familie, June 2018

Zeit-Gedanken, enorm Magazin, June 2018

Jetstream, Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, March 16, 2018
Poster / Printmaking

Good Boys Diner, Denise Scott Brown und Robert Venturi, Tchibo, Was tun wenn's brennt?, The Artist Leo, Happiness, Die kleine Nervensäge, 7 Riso prints for RFI Raum für Illustration Hamburg, 29,7 × 42 cm, 170g Munken paper, March 2025

The Artist for Le Raclet, 50 × 70 cm, 4 color screen print, edition of 80, signed and numbered, January 2025

Have a Good Ride, Kasper!, Kasper König 1943-2024, a farewell by Annabell Burger, Andreas Prinzing and Anna Haifisch, Kurfürstenstraße 13, Berlin, November 2024

Billbirds, with Anja Kaiser, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Hamburg), 3 screen prints, 3 and 4 colors, 89,5 × 128 cm, edition of 50, printed by Lézard Graphique, June 2024

Conne Island fundraiser, with Anja Kaiser, poster, 42 × 59,4 cm, 3 spot colors, offset printing, November 2024

Netzwerk Zwischennutzung, poster, 59,4 × 84 cm, offset printing, September 2024

Alles hat seinen Preis / Everything has its price, Folkwang Kunstring (Essen), four 4 color riso prints, 30 × 40 cm, edition of 100, signed and numbered, printed by Colorama, November 2023

The Guardians, Le Raclet, 30 × 40 cm, four 4 color screen prints in a box, edition of 100, signed and numbered, September 2023

New Mexico 1-6, Griffelkunst, four 4 color screen prints, 21 × 27 cm, two 1 color screen prints, 42 × 54 cm, edition of 400, printed by Phillip Janta and Andrea Rausch, October 2023

Have a Nice Day, Palais Mai, 3 color screen print, 21 × 27 cm, edition of 400, printed by Phillip Janta and Andrea Rausch, February 2023

Apero Spatz, 50 years of the Festival Interntional de la Bande Dessinée d'Angouleme, Paris Gare de l'Est , January 2023

Here's the life I've always longed for, Le Raclet, 3 color screen print, 42 × 54,9 cm, September 2022

Stockholm Comicfest, 59,4 × 84,1 cm, May 20-22, 2022

The Artist, Kunstverein Leipzig, scrap ticket for the annual raffle, 3 color screen print, 21 × 26 cm, printed by Phillip Janta and Andrea Rausch, July 2022

Bitte um ein Stück Kuchen, Außenseiten, Haus am Wehrsteg / Sammlung Prinzhorn (Heidelberg), 450 × 630 cm, February 2022, photo ©Philipp Rothe

Ch ch ch changes, Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig, poster and flyer, 59,4 × 42 cm, March 2022

Drifter, Dortmund Kreativ, billboards, November 16-25 / December 7-16, 2021, photos ©Christian Weyers

The Artist, Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst, four 4-color screen prints, 21 × 27 cm, editon of 60, October 2021, printed by Janta Island and Andrea Rausch

The Artist, Thaler Originalgrafik, four 1-color screen prints for the exhibition Among Us, 59,4 × 84 cm, editon of 30, September 2021, printed by Handsiebdruckerei Berlin

Hünd Couture, Supercollect (Antwerp), 4-color screen print, 50 × 70 cm, November 2021, printed by Superdruk

Scopa, four 4-color Riso prints, 21 × 26 cm, edition of 100, November 2020

The Artist, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, three 3-color screen print for the show Am Ende diese Arbeit, 50 × 70 cm, edition of 50, February 2020, printed by Phillip Janta and Andrea Rausch

Perpetual Calendar, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, 13 pages, 21 × 29,7 cm, 3-color Riso prints, coil bound, June 2020, printed by Drucken3000

Still Life 1-3, three 3-color Riso prints, 21 × 25 cm, edtion of 100, April 2020, printed in Berlin by Colorama

It's Alright 1-4, four 4-colors screen prints, 21 × 27 cm, edtion of 50, March 2020

Comic Reading, Zine Not Dead / Short Run (Seattle), November 2018

Poster, Short Run (Seattle), 3-color screen print on yellow paper, 33 × 50 cm, November 2018

Atombombi, The Millionaires Club, 3-color screen print, 42 × 59,4 cm, edition of 50, March 2018

The Artist - I'm sorry, Mama, Spinnerei Leipzig, billboard, March 2018

Carotte Triste, three 3-color screen prints, 19 × 27,7 cm, edition of 30, December 2017

The Artist - Songs to the Feather, four 3-color screen prints, 19 × 25 cm, edition of 30, December 2017

Von Spatz, Desert Island (Brooklyn), Poster, April 2017

The Smudge, Vol 1 Issue 3, Tan n Loose Press, Chicago, March 2017

The Artist, Gosh Comics (London) / Breakdown Press, poster, November 2017

The Artist, Safari Festival (London) / Breakdown Press, postcard, August 2016

Chin Tiki, Kayrock Fresh Prints, 4-color screen print, 46 × 61 cm, edition of 100, 2016

YOU, four 3-color screen prints, 21 × 26 cm, edition of 30, 2015

Oh oh, four 4-color screen prints, 20 × 26 cm, edition of 30, 2015

Kalifornien, four 4-color screen prints, 26 × 20 cm, edition of 30, 2014

The Artist 1-4, four 3-color screen prints, 20 × 26 cm, edition of 30, 2014
Textiles / Objects

Little Orange Snail for Urbane Künste Ruhr, Grand Snail Tour, Blanket, Acrylic Whool, 150 × 100 cm, January 2025

Friedrichs Hünde, Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (Berlin) KPM, LAB Becher Duo-Set No. 1 (180 ml) edition, in collaboration with Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, 2 porcelain cups, 7,8 × 8,8 cm, November 2024
"Frederick the Great had two great loves: Porcelain and dogs. In the second KPM+ edition, artist and cartoonist Anna Haifisch focuses on Frederick's greyhound, Biche, and his sister Wilhelmine of Prussia's toy spaniel, Folichon. The so-called Dog Letters were written in May 1748. In the name of his greyhound Biche, the King of Prussia wrote heartbreaking sentences to the little papillon Folichon (the little madman). Wilhelmine replied with longing lines."

Maus für Kunst und Gewerbe, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Hamburg), tote bags, screen printed, June 2024

Friedrichs Hünde, Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (Berlin) KPM, LAB Bowl edition, in collaboration with Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, 2 porcelain bowls, 14,1 × 8 cm, October 2023
"Alcmène, Thisbe, Phillis, Arsinoe, Biche and Superbe were Frederick the Great's favorite dogs and adorn the elegant porridge bowls from the LAB series of the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin. Frederick adored his greyhounds for their sensitive and affectionate character and instructed that his animals at Sanssouci Palace be addressed in French. He loved the shivering liveliness of his dogs, who were his closest friends and girlfriends, whose deaths he mourned and who are buried next to their master. Superbe († 1763) sat on Frederick's deathbed and when the weak king saw that his dog was shivering with cold, he whispered: “Warm Superbe with pillows.” His last words."

Casper David Dog, cover artwork and tea towel for Shiva & The Destroyer, released by Planet akwa, 50 × 70 cm, screen printed on cotton, October 2023

Scarfs, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition, acrylic wool, December 2022 - January 2023
dog photo ©Daniel Richter, photos 2,3 & 4 ©Kunsthalle Osnabrück

Riviera, Misma Editions (Toulouse), tote bag, screen printed, cotton, September 2021

Artist in Residence, released with the book Residenz Fahrenbühl, Spector Books (Leipzig), sweater, embroidery, March 2021
Mouse Model: Hannes Drißner

The Artist, limited art edition, blanket, organic cotton, 2 color jacquard knitting, 185 × 150 cm, October 2020

Hünd Matisse, limited art edition, sweater, embroidery, October 2019

Collected Cassettes V0L1, Lassie, cover artwork, layout by Fuzzgun (Marian Bodenstein), September 2019

Home Alone, Riso Club (Leipzig), cover artwork and label, Cassette, 3 color riso print, January 2019